Hybrid vs Electric Cars - Which is Better for the Environment?

October 20, 2022


Whether you're looking to buy a new car or just curious, you might be wondering which is better for the environment, a hybrid or an electric car. Both have been marketed as environmentally friendly, but which one is the best? In this post, we will provide a factual, unbiased comparison of the environmental impact of these vehicles to help you make an informed decision.

Hybrid Cars

Hybrid cars run on both gasoline and electricity. They have a smaller battery than electric cars and rely on their gasoline engine to recharge the battery while driving. This means that while driving, hybrids produce emissions similar to traditional gasoline cars. However, they are more fuel-efficient due to their electric motor, and therefore produce fewer emissions overall.

According to a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, that analyzed greenhouse gas emissions related to the entire lifecycle of cars, including production, use, and disposal, hybrid cars produce an average of 33% fewer emissions than gasoline cars. This makes them a better option for the environment than traditional gasoline cars.

Electric Cars

Electric cars run on electricity stored in a battery, which is charged by plugging the car into an electric power source. They produce no emissions while driving, making them the cleaner option for the environment. However, the production of electricity used for charging the battery creates emissions, depending on the methods used for generating the electricity.

According to the same study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, electric cars produce an average of 50% fewer emissions than gasoline cars when charged with electricity from the national grid, which is the most common source of electricity for charging electric cars in the United States. However, if the electricity used to charge an electric car comes from renewable sources, such as solar or wind power, the emissions drop to practically zero.


So, which is better for the environment, hybrid or electric cars? It depends on how you use them. If you mostly drive in the city, an all-electric car is an excellent option. If you frequently take long trips, a hybrid car might be the better choice.

In either case, both hybrid and electric cars produce fewer emissions than traditional gasoline cars, helping to reduce air pollution and combat climate change. Furthermore, with advancements in technology, these vehicles have become more affordable, making it easier for consumers to adopt cleaner transportation options.


  • M. Delucchi, M. Greenblatt, T. Saxena, K. Mohan, Z. Kammen, "Lifecycle Emissions from Different Powertrain Vehicles: A Synthesis of Key Data and Issues" (2015) Springer.

  • Union of Concerned Scientists. (2018). Clean Vehicles. [online] Available at: https://www.ucsusa.org/resources/clean-vehicles [Accessed 20 Oct. 2022].

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